
Unity Consciousness Transmissions

Oct 19, 2023 - Nov 20, 2023

This Live series of calls will bring expansion into greater unity consciousness by alchemizing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies in order to fully embody their divine sovereign power and align to greater states of peace, joy, love, and abundance.

The series of powerful Unity consciousness transmissions are living Source fields of light and sound that will accelerate the resurrection of your Divine Blueprint.  These high frequency vibrations will assist in transmuting, alchemizing, and harmonizing your vibrational patterns, programs, distortions, and blocks that are currently being held in your field so that the many Facets of your Divine Self may descend and take dominion within your Sacred Heart core.

We will be igniting and deepening the process of embodiment of our Higher Self as the unique individuations of pure Source Consciousness that we are and always have been.   We will attain this through lifting our individual vibration to a more harmonious level to receive the light particles of our Highest Source Selves.

Each week there will be a teaching on a specific aspect and quality of Unity Consciousness and an  energetic transmission of that aspect.  A specific BUBBLE each week will be given to each participant that holds these frequencies of Unity Consciousness.  Every participant will be held in this high vibrational field for the duration of the week until the next transmission.  Each transmission will bring any blockages or limitations to your current experience in order for them to be met by the high vibrational frequencies held by the field so they are cleared and released.

The layers of emotional density, self limiting beliefs, and traumas that we are unconsciously aware of, prevent us from knowing ourselves as individual expressions of Source.  Before taking the leap in consciousness into the 5th Dimension it is vital that we release this illusion of separation from Source.  

For all those who are choosing this timeline of evolution and ascension, this is how we expand our consciousness into the light body.  The Divine Human template has been controlled and fragmented in the 3rd density matrix of separation.   We have undergone conditioning that limits our potential throughout many aspects of society by embedding within us intricate false beliefs that suggest we should remain stuck instead of in the flow of evolution.

This will be  an intensive, transformational experience designed for those who are serious about becoming compassionately conscious.

Expanding Communication with your Higher Self - $111

Sep 27, 2023 - Oct 18, 26, 2023

This series of Live transmissions will allow for us to remember our pure connection and communication with ourselves as Source and assist with knowing that all wisdom is accessed within. We will go deep into an exploration and cellular transformation to open ourselves for further embodiment of our True Essence. We will release and transform self limiting belief systems, mind programs, and consciousness traps that have previously been in the way of our direct connection and communication to our highest Selves as Source. 

Our internal wisdom center is a gateway into the pure Source connection field of all that is. We are able to bring forth clarity through our Higher lenses of perception when we choose to place our consciousness and present moment awareness in alignment with our Higher Selves, thus allowing for the space to embody a deeper connection to the
infinite potentials that exist.

We will be guided by many Beings of pure Source light through a deep journey of Self Realization and Soul Alchemy through expanding our direct knowing and communications with our Higher Selves.