Sessions support awakening, multidimensional integration, self realization, and embodiment. Avalina will hold space for you to transform what is in the way of your core Truth for integration and further embodiment. Consciously channeled insight and messages from your guides and Higher Self will be shared during sessions offering guidance and clarity.
Each session is unique and unfolds exactly what is needed for your highest potential in the present moment. There will be an energy transmission that will be specifically for you that is in the best and highest for you to receive for the greatest possible shifts to take place. Working with a range of guides and collectives, this may include healing, clearing of densities, and soul integration through tone clearing, light language and codes.
$295 / 1 hour
Unity Bubble Transmission
SELF-transformation and self-REALIZATION.
An intensive, transformational experience designed for those who are serious about becoming “compassionately conscious”.
Your UNITY Bubble will bring any blockages or limitations to your attention for you to clear by releasing them to your Bubble.
The space originates from outside the boundaries of time and space and is fully able to transmute all traits out of alignment with the unfolding of Consciousness. It is a Living Field transmission that assists in entering states of higher awareness of self and the ability to connect rapidly with the Higher Self or Soul. It brings one from the head into the heart space. One is then able to feel and act from the heart, where Truth is unmistakable.
Unity Bubble
Sessions directly support awakening, multidimensional integration, self realization, and embodiment through Consciously channeled insight, messages, and energetic keys.
In these very impactful sessions, we utilize profoundly powerful multidimensional energy and the Akashic Records. Everything in this world is energy and by working on the root of what you desire to shift will cause a powerful ripple effect in all areas of your life. You receive private unconditional and loving support, feel completely seen and acknowledged for the powerful, sacred and unique lightworker that you are. In this space, you will shift your perceptions into new dimensions of reality and have access to the infinite support of your guides and universal consciousness.
About the Unity Bubble
Feelings are precursors to thoughts and emotions. We process those feelings in whatever way is most comfortable for us individually.
Feeling is a soul quality.
Feelings are always true for us; Emotions or thoughts not always. Feelings are connected through the heart-stream directly to the soul; Emotions are connected to the invisible emotional body and thoughts are connected to the invisible mental body. We think it is our brain but the brain is like a hard drive for the software of thinking; The brain merely processes thoughts for expression.
The brain doesn’t think thoughts, the mental body does. The results of the emotional field are also felt in the body. Both these bodies/fields are like huge amplifiers for more subtle source-feelings. These, in turn, allow us an intense direct experience here. We have, by programming and conditioning, identified ourselves as our thoughts, emotions and bodies, whereas these are merely aspects of our nature, here for us to express in this world. By increasing our self-awareness we embark on the return to our true identity and a life that is hugely fulfilling, without having to make do with hope for a better life “next time”.
There are different ways to be aware; You can “know” without knowing exactly how you know. It depends on your current and past soul experiences and if you are familiar to feeling into your subtle bodies. The more you practice being still and listening to your inner voice, the more sensitive you will become. You can be assured that as long as you were open to receiving your UNITY Bubble, you most definitely do have your UNITY Bubble.
Some may experience discomfort in areas of the body. This is where energy has been held usually for a long time. Discomfort may be felt as the body relaxes and lets go. Some examples of this are: the heart area having held much sorrow and grief; the shoulders where great responsibility has sat; the lungs which have been unable to expand fully and take in life; the kidneys where fear has been held. It will pass and very soon. Be with the pain, go into it and it will dissipate more quickly. Realization of why this is happening provides a way to embrace that knowledge and find joy in their departure.
Put your attention directly on any discomfort you may experience. For example, if you are feeling stress or anxiety, focus directly on it. Do this without thinking about it and stay in the feeling of it as long as you possibly can. Avoid judging: Simply stay in the feeling of the stress or anxiety and be with it.
As counter-intuitive and illogical as this may sound, it will work to eradicate the negative feelings. Remember, you have had a lifetime full of habits that have worn deep grooves in your psyche and need strong counter-measures to overcome or erase.
When you focus on these feelings, see any mental pictures associated with them as they come up. There is an inner wisdom in how they will be revealed to you when you wish to have relief. Trust your inner guidance and follow the mental pictures as they pop up in your head in order for as long as you can.
You will see them pop up from the present, going backwards in time to the very first occurrence. Stay with the pictures and examine each one until your attention goes to the next one. Each picture will gradually become uninteresting. Continue going to the next, then the next. After you examine them with your attention, without words, there will be some relief. If another picture comes to view, there is still more to unload, so keep on observing until the screen of your mind is perfectly clear.
If you want to know more about the details when any stress or anxiety comes up, simply ask your UNITY Bubble, “What is this about?” Pay attention to your inner voice and relax. Wait for the answer. There well may be many different directions for you to explore.
This is a process and takes time but you will definitely feel better after working directly with your Bubble as described above. Once you begin working like this, you create a new way to deal with negative feelings and emotions.
It is important that you quietly get to know silent feelings. Feel into its energy inside your body. Pay gentle attention here; You are not your thoughts, you are beyond thoughts. Exercise observing from inside what happens in your life. Be thankful inside even for the difficult things; Do this and your life will change and your understanding will will grow exponentially.
The Bubble is a complete space and is received in a single transmission, therefore only one session is needed.